
    Design for software system of pipe irrigation planning based on GIS

    • 摘要: 应用组件地理信息系统(ComGIS)、CAD及数据库等软件开发工具,开发的管道输水灌溉系统规划设计软件,可以实现管道系统优化布置、系统设计流量推算、管径优化设计、工程投资概算和经济效益分析等多种功能。系统能够提供图形、文本、表格等多种形式的成果输出,人机交互界面友好,操作方便。系统保证了规划设计方案的合理性,大大减少人工劳动,提高了工作效率。该软件已在江苏省节水农业示范区管道输水灌溉工程的规划设计中推广应用,并取得了良好的技术经济效果。


      Abstract: The software system of pipe irrigation planning based on ComGIS, CAD and database was developed, which realize pipes layout (automatic layout and manual operation) and its optimization, the calculation of water flow, pipe diameter optimization, investment budgetary estimate and economic beneficial analysis. The software system provides many kinds of result output such as graph, text, table and so on. The software can greatly reduce the manual labor and improve the efficiency of the project design. This system has been applied to low-pressure pipe planning of water saving agriculture demonstration districts in Jiangsu Province and the planning results are accurate and reliable.


