
    Impacts of polyacrylamide application on soil water status of loess and the growth of corn

    • 摘要: 在干旱半干旱地区,为了充分利用有限的降水资源,促进农作物的生长,采用聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)进行了减少玉米田土壤表面的径流,增加土壤入渗的试验。试验区位于内蒙古自治区清水河县境内,在试验区挑选一块坡面相对比较平整坡度在5%~7%的连片玉米田,分别在玉米田的土壤表面采用4个不同的处理,即PAM覆盖率80%、60%、40%和对照,试验采用3个重复。通过小区试验,测定降雨在土壤表面形成径流量、土壤的含水量的变化情况和玉米生长发育的状况,以及玉米的全干物质产量。结果表明,PAM能够很好地增加土壤的有效降雨量并促进玉米的生长。


      Abstract: In arid and semiarid climatic areas, water shortage is a dominant factor for low harvest in rainfed farming. Application of polyacrylamide(PAM) on the soil surface can significantly increase water infiltration of soils. A field experiment was conducted at Qingshuihe, near Huhhot, Inner Mongolia. The experimental site, with slope of 5% to 7%, consisted of 12 nearby rectangle plots, of about 10 by 16 m. The experiments applied four soil surface treatments (one control and three PAM coverage rates: 80%, 60%, 40%). The experiments showed that PAM application reduced runoff and increased water penetration into soil significantly and corns planting in the soils treated with PAM were significantly taller and more vigorous.


