
    Structure optimization of the reclaimed land use in the hill mining area of Eastern China

    • 摘要: 该文以受华丰矿开采影响的小河西村为例,在SPSS软件的支持下,利用复垦前后不同土地利用类型的生态足迹、景观多样性、产值等指标,运用多目标规划法对我国东部丘陵矿区复垦土地利用结构进行了优化分析。结果显示,利用生态足迹法、景观多样性指数和多目标规划得出的复垦土地结构与复垦前比,不仅经济效益明显提高,生态赤字明显降低,生态环境明显改善,而且景观多样性指数增加,能促进生态、经济和社会目标的实现,也必将缓和长期以来形成的矿山与周边农民的矛盾,并能调动矿山和村集体复垦积极性,推动矿区和周边农村和谐发展。


      Abstract: Taking Xiaohexi Village which was affected by the exploitation of Huafeng Mine as an example, with the support of SPSS software, this article optimized and analyzed the structure of reclaimed land use in the hill mining area of Eastern China by using the law of multi-target planning, according to such economic indicators as ecological footprint, landscape diversity, index of output value of different land use patterns before and after reclaiming. The results indicated, compared to the situation before reclaiming, through using such laws and indicators as ecological footprint, landscape diversity index and multi-target planning, the structure of reclaimed land can not only increase economic benefits, decrease ecological deficit and improve the ecological environment obviously, but also increase the landscape diversity index, promote the realization of the ecology, economic and social goal. Finally it will relax the long-term contradiction between mining industry and agriculture, arouse their reclaiming enthusiasm and promote the development of harmony of the mining industry and township enterprise.


