
    WebGIS-based system for agricultural spatial information management and aided decision-making

    • 摘要: 该研究在总结和提炼区域农业信息管理和评价理论与技术研究成果的基础上,运用知识工程和系统建模方法,建立了种植制度评价、农产品生态区划、农作生产潜力分析和精确农作管理的定量化动态知识模型。并运用软构件技术,基于B/S的分布式网络结构,以WebGIS为空间信息管理平台,建立了网络化、数字化的农业空间信息管理及辅助决策系统。系统实现了基本地图操作、农业空间信息查询与分析、种植制度评价、农产品生态区划、农作生产潜力分析、精确农作管理、可视化输出以及系统维护等功能。以江苏省为案例区,对系统进行了实例应用,结果表明,系统能有效地管理区域性农业空间信息,并在基于空间信息的农业生产管理决策方面具有较好的适应性和指导性。


      Abstract: Based on the summarization and extraction of regional agriculture information management and evaluation theory and technology achievements, a set of dynamic knowledge models which can be used for cropping system evaluation, ecological distribution of farm products, estimation of cropping potential production, precision farming management were developed through knowledge engineering and system modeling method. By using the technology of software component, with Browser/Server mode as distributing network structure, with WebGIS as spatial information management platform, a web-based digital system for agricultural spatial information management and aided decision-making was developed. The system realized the functions as basic map handling, agricultural spatial information query and analysis, cropping system evaluation, ecological distribution of farm products, estimation of cropping potential production, precision farming management, visual display of results, and system maintenance. Case studies on WGASIMS with the datasets in Jiangsu Province indicate the system can effectively manage regional agriculture spatial information, and show a good applicability and guidance on agriculture farming management.


