
    Synchronous control system of automatic glass windows for the special-shaped conservatory

    • 摘要: 北京植物园异型展览温室自然通风系统主要由上百kg重的玻璃窗组成。玻璃窗于2000年投入自控运行后陆续出现问题,至2003年故障率高达50%。为了降低自动窗故障率、提高设备可靠性、保障环境自控运行效果、延长设备使用寿命,该文基于伺服控制原理和光电传感器的应用,在推杆上增设行程传感器,采集推杆行程信息,并将信息反馈至同步控制器,使自动窗推杆间行程误差≤1 mm,保持同步运行。同步控制系统在温室沙漠植物区试验获得成功,显著提高了自动窗运行的可靠性。该研究为解决困扰展览温室多年的难题提供了可行方案。


      Abstract: Under the weight of more than 100 kg, the automatic glass window composes the nature ventilation system of the special-shaped conservatory in Beijing Botanical Garden. That were used in the conservatory since 2000, a lot of problems of the automatic windows had occurred in succession, more than 50% windows were out of work in 2003. In order to maintain the environment control of the nature ventilation system, based on the principle of servo control and application of photoelectric sensor to opener, the authors developed a new synchronous control system for the automatic glass windows. The synchronous controller adjusts the working state of the two openers which send the feedback signals to the controller, so the two openers work synchronously at all time. The moving error between the two openers of one window is not more than 1 mm. The synchronous control system was used for the desert zone, the result of the feasibility test was satisfactory. The synchronous control system is a practicable method to solve the automatic window problems of the conservatory.


