
    Evaluation on several temprature-based methods for estimating reference crop evapotranspiration

    • 摘要: 根据华北地区6个气象站的长系列资料,利用FAO56-PM公式对3种基于温度的ET0计算方法(Hargreaves、McCloud、Thornthwaite)进行评价。依据平均偏差、相关系数和t统计量3种指标分别对年和月序列的吻合程度做出评价。结果表明:Hargreaves与FAO56-PM吻合最好,其次为McCloud,吻合最差的为Thornthwaite。就年值而言,温度法在华北多数站点比FAO56-PM显著偏低。其中Hargreaves偏低53.2~200.2 mm或4.6%~15.1%,Thornthwaite偏低269.7~468.1 mm或24.8%~35.8%,McCloud偏低90.5~435.7 mm或8.2%~40.5%。温度法与FAO56-PM吻合程度随月份而变,在夏季月份比后者偏高,其他季节尤其是冬季月份显著偏低。从峰值到达时间看,Hargreaves与FAO56-PM的峰值相一致,二者均在6月份。Thornthwaite和McCloud的峰值则明显滞后,二者在7月份达到最大,与最高温度出现的月份相一致。在仅有气温的条件下,建议在华北优先选用Hargreaves方法。


      Abstract: Based on the long data series of six weather stations in North China, three temperature-based ET0 estimating methods, namely the Hargreaves, the McCloud and the Thornthwaite, were evaluated by comparing their results with that of the FAO56-PM. Three indicators, namely mean deviation, correlation coefficient and t-statistics, were used to compare yearly and monthly series estimated by the FAO56-PM and the temperature-based methods. Results show that the Hargreaves agrees best with FAO56-PM, followed by the McCloud, and then the Thornthwaite. In terms of yearly value, the temperature-based methods significantly underestimate the FAO56-PM in most stations of North China, with the Hargreaves by 53.2~200.2 mm/year or 4.6%~15.1%, the Thornthwaite by 269.7~468.1 mm/year or 24.8%~35.8%, and the McCloud by 90.5~435.7 mm/year or 8.2%~40.5%. The agreement between the temperature-based and the FAO56-PM method varies with months, overestimating the latter in summer, and underestimating it in other seasons, particularly in winter. The Hargreaves reaches peak value in June, which agrees with that of the FAO56-PM. The Thornthwaite and the McCloud reach peak value in July, the month with the highest temperature, and apparently lag behind that of the FAO56-PM. The Hargreaves can be chosen preferably in North China where only air temperature is available.


