
    Adaptability of different reference evapo-transpiration estimation methods in Xinjiang region

    • 摘要: 新疆维吾尔族自治区地域辽阔,气候特征空间差异性显著。准确估算各地区的参考作物腾发量(ET0)是新疆节水灌溉设计的基础。该文选用6种计算公式利用新疆4个典型气候区的气象资料计算了ET0。并以Penman-Monteith方法作为标准,对其它方法进行评价。结果表明在新疆各气候区1948Penman法估算的ET0值较FAO-24 Penman与FAO-24 Radiation方法更接近于P-M法的计算结果;在缺少资料的地区,Hargreaves方法或湿润区用Priestley-Taylor方法均可以得到与P-M法估值相当的结果;同时分析了P-M法计算的ET0值和水面蒸发量之间的关系,为利用水面蒸发资料估算新疆地区ET0值提供参考。


      Abstract: Xinjiang region is an expansive Region and climate is very different among areas. It is very important for water saving irrigation planning to make the accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration for every region. ET0 was computed by six methods with data from four typical weather stations of Xinjiang. As Penman-Monteith method is taken as the standard, the comparison is taken and the results are as follows. 1948Penman is a better method for every climatic area than FAO-24 Penman and FAO-24 Radiation. If climatic data are insufficient, both Hargreaves method for any region and Priestley-Taylor for humid may provide reliable ET0 estimates. Meanwhile the relationship between the ET0 value computed by P-M method and evaporation is analyzed and that can provide a reference for estimating ET0 using evaporation data for Xinjiang region.


