
    Forecast of influence of coal-mining subsidence on soil erosion and land use

    • 摘要: 中国新建和将建的煤矿区主要集中分布在生态脆弱的晋、陕、蒙区,生态环境压力大。正确预测采煤沉陷引发的人为加速土壤侵蚀与土地利用变化,可为生态脆弱煤矿区的生态恢复和重建提供依据。该文采用RS、GIS为手段进行信息提取和图形叠加,结合类比法和专家咨询法等,研究了山西大同塔山矿采煤沉陷引发的土壤侵蚀和土地利用的变化。结果表明:1)采煤后88.80%土地发生不同程度的沉陷。2)沉陷后土地年土壤侵蚀总量增加42.32~79.05万t,单位面积年侵蚀量增加了246.01~464.56 t/km2,侵蚀模数为2321.78~4335.64 t/(km2·a),部分地块沉陷后土壤侵蚀强度上升了一个等级。3)地表移动变形产生的裂缝、陷坑、塌方或小滑坡等,使农用地被分割而破碎、地块变小,其中,沉陷后旱地最小斑块面积为7.72 m2,有林地最小斑块面积为72.95 m2,灌木林地最小斑块面积为6.71 m2,疏林地最小斑块面积为75.79 m2,中覆盖度草地最小斑块面积为14.81 m2,低覆盖度草地最小斑块面积为9.44 m2。局部裂缝密集带,可造成土地毁坏。4)除工交用地和居民点用地外,原地貌沉陷后土地利用率,较原地貌降低10%的比例为14.05%,降低10%~20%(含10%)的比例为85.18%,降低20%(含20%)以上的比例为0.77%。


      Abstract: The ecological fragile Shanxi-Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia District, having most new-built and waiting-built coal mining areas, is confronted with great ecological environment pressure. Precise forecas of soil erosion and land-use changing speed-up by artificial mining subsidence is propitious to provide basis references of ecological restoration and rehaibilitation for the ecological fragile district. This study reported the soil erosion and land use change information which was abstracted from graphics overlapping, analogizing and experts consulting for the Tashan coal mine of Datong in Shanxi province. Results indicate that 1)88.80% of land in this area is eroded and subsided in various degree. 2)The annual gross soil erosion has increased by 423226.67~790452.05 t after subsidence. The soil erosion intensity has come up to a new grade in part of this area. 3)The cracks, subsidence and small landslide caused by surface movement deformation, have divided the cultivated land into small pieces. For intense, the smallest area of arid land is 7.72 m2, forest land is 72.95 m2, low overlay grass land is 9.44 m2. 4)Compared with original geomorphy, the land utilization ratio which droped respectively by 10%, 10%~20%, 20% is 14.05%, 85.15%, 0.77% excepting industrial land, traffic land and residential areas.


