
    Evaluation of land productivity of hybrid ecological agriculture on upland in the Loess Plateau

    • 摘要: 应用GIS技术,对专题图件进行叠加处理后,将西坡村土地归并划分为39个生产力单元,并利用修正后的生产力指数(PI)模型和投入产出方法得出其潜在生产力与现实生产力。通过比较后得到总的趋势是生产力指数(PI)值高的地块其现实生产力也高;反之,生产力指数(PI)值低的地块其现实生产力也低,二者的相关系数为0.6563。同时,二者均呈现出塬面较高,坡面较低的规律。在塬面上高值地块靠近农村居民点,地面平缓、土地肥力高。坡面上阴坡地块的一般要高于阳坡地块。总体上,该村的土地利用基本符合自然经济规律,但也存在一定的问题需要改进。


      Abstract: Based on the GIS technology, the land of Xipo Village was partitioned into 39 soil ecological cells according to overlaying each special map. The potential productivity and practical productivity of the 39 soil ecological cells were calculated by the rectified PI formula and the input and output method. Results show that when the PI value of the land cells is higher, the practical productivity is higher, while the practical productivity is lower with the lower PI value. The correlation coefficient of potential productivity and practical productivity is 0.6563, which have a significant linear relationship. The results of the PI values present some rules, that is, the productivities of plain land are higher and those of sloping field are lower. On the plain land, the land cells that the PI value are higher are near by country residential area, and the land are flat and loamy. The land cells on the sloping field present that PI values in rich sunlight condition is higher than that in poor sunlight condition. As a whole, the land use of Xipo Village accord basically with natural and economical law, but some problems still exist and need to be reformed.


