Spray deposit tests were conducted with nine nozzle orientations ±40°, ±30°, ±20°, ±10°, 0°to evaluate the influence of nozzle orientation on droplets deposition. Spray was applied with standard flat fan pattern nozzles ST120-015 at 0.25 MPa pressure and two spray volumes(150 L/hm
2 and 300 L/hm
2). Results show that spray deposits at horizontal targets could be improved by adjusting the nozzle orientation, and the increase at the bottom and middle horizontal targets was more than that at the top targets. The best nozzle orientations of 150 L/hm
2 and 300 L/hm
2 were 20° and 30°, respectively. Inclining nozzles to discharge sprays from vertical toward or back travel direction could improve spray deposit at the top and bottom vertical targets with 150 L/hm
2. Spray deposits on three level targets also increased by adjusting the nozzle orientation at the spray volume 300 L/hm
2. Results show that the best nozzle orientations at two spray volumes of 150 L/hm
2 and 300 L/hm
2 are 20°~40° and 30°, respectively. The boom travel velocity can also affect the best nozzle orientation.