
    Influence of nozzle orientation on spray deposits

    • 摘要: 为了研究喷杆式喷雾机的雾流方向角对靶标上药液沉积量的影响,设置±40°、±30°、±20°、±10°、0° 9个雾流方向角,选用标准扇形雾喷头ST120-015,喷雾压力0.25 MPa,分别以1.18 m/s、0.59 m/s的前进速度,按照150 L/hm2和300 L/hm2的喷量针对水平靶标和垂直靶标进行喷雾试验。试验结果表明,改变雾流方向角会增加药液在水平靶标上的沉积量,药液在中部和下部靶标沉积量的增加程度比上部显著,喷量150 L/hm2和300 L/hm2的最佳喷雾雾流方向角分别为20°和30°;对于垂直靶标,喷量150 L/hm2时改变雾流方向角只会增加上部和下部靶标的药液沉积量,而喷量300 L/hm2时改变雾流方向角会使上、中、下三部分靶标的沉积量都增加,且增加程度一致。当喷量150 L/hm2时垂直靶标的最佳雾流方向角为20°~40°,喷量300 L/hm2时的最佳雾流方向角为30°。试验结果表明喷杆前进速度会对最佳雾流方向角产生影响。


      Abstract: Spray deposit tests were conducted with nine nozzle orientations ±40°, ±30°, ±20°, ±10°, 0°to evaluate the influence of nozzle orientation on droplets deposition. Spray was applied with standard flat fan pattern nozzles ST120-015 at 0.25 MPa pressure and two spray volumes(150 L/hm2 and 300 L/hm2). Results show that spray deposits at horizontal targets could be improved by adjusting the nozzle orientation, and the increase at the bottom and middle horizontal targets was more than that at the top targets. The best nozzle orientations of 150 L/hm2 and 300 L/hm2 were 20° and 30°, respectively. Inclining nozzles to discharge sprays from vertical toward or back travel direction could improve spray deposit at the top and bottom vertical targets with 150 L/hm2. Spray deposits on three level targets also increased by adjusting the nozzle orientation at the spray volume 300 L/hm2. Results show that the best nozzle orientations at two spray volumes of 150 L/hm2 and 300 L/hm2 are 20°~40° and 30°, respectively. The boom travel velocity can also affect the best nozzle orientation.


