
    GPRS and WEB based data acquisition system for greenhouse environment

    • 摘要: 针对农业对象具有的多样性、多变性、以及偏僻分散等特点,提出了一种基于GPRS和WEB技术的远程数据采集和信息发布系统方案。首先,通过RS—485总线与数字传感器连接,并与PC监控计算机构成温室现场监控系统;其次,通过GPRS无线通讯技术建立现场监控系统与互联网的连接,将实时采集信息发送到WEB数据服务器。系统软件核心技术系MS VB.NET和ASP.NET 开发而成,构建了基于B/S(Browser/Server)的“瘦客户”模式,只要通过浏览器不仅可实时浏览监测数据,而且能进行历史数据的查询。该系统的实现为农业网络信息通讯中“最后一公里”瓶颈问题提供了一种便捷的解决方案。


      Abstract: Aiming at the characteristics of the diversity, volatile variation, remote distribution for agricultural objects, a technical solution of a GPRS and WEB based monitoring and publishing system for greenhouse environment information was presented. First, a RS-485 bus cable as a middle bridge was used to connect the PC and digital sensors together forming a field monitoring system. Second, connection was established between field computer and INTERNET through GPRS wireless module so that the real-time field data could be transferred to the remote database server. The software was developed with Microsoft VB.NET and ASP.NET criterion under the B/S(Browser-Server) thin client mode. In this mode, users could not only check real time data coming from remote field site, but could visit historical data just by a client browser. The result showed that this system provided a flexible solution to solve the bottle-neck problem of so called "final one kilometer" phenomenon for web based application of agricultural information communication.


