
    Effects of temperature of biomass fast pyrolysis on yield and properties of bio-oil

    • 摘要: 以木屑为原料,在自制的小型流化床上,研究了生物质快速热裂解反应温度对生物油的产率、含水率、密度、黏度及成分的影响。结果表明,在475℃,500℃和550℃三种热裂解温度中,以500℃的平均生物油产率最高,为58.74%(w/w)。三种热裂解温度下,生物油的含水率分别为42.5%、46.0%和40.7%,生物油的密度分别为1140、1148和1151 kg/m3,运动黏度分为4.51 cSt、3.87 cSt和4.73 cSt。热裂解温度增高时,生物油的密度略有增加,含水率和运动黏度未见有规律变化,并且,运动黏度随含水率的增加而减小。热裂解温度对生物油的主要化合物成分相对含量有一定影响,但影响不明显,生物油中化合物几乎都是含氧的不饱和烃类衍生物,碳原子数在2~10之间,温度升高有利于糠醛、大多数苯酚类化合物生成,不利于乙酸的生成。该研究为生物油的生产与应用提供了参考。


      Abstract: Effect of temperature of biomass fast pyrolysis on yield and properties including water content, density, viscosity and composition of chemical compound of bio-oil was studied in a self manufactured small fluidized bed reactor with sawdust. Results showed that when pyrolysis temperatures were 475℃, 500℃ and 550℃, the highest average bio-oil yield was 58.74wt% at 500℃; water contents of bio-oil were 42.5%, 46.0% and 40.7%, respectively; the densities of bio-oil were 1140 kg/m3, 1148 kg/m3 and 1151 kg/m3, respectively; kinematics viscosities of bio-oil were 4.51 cSt, 3.87 cSt and 4.73 cSt, respectively. When temperature of pyrolysis was increased, the density of bio-oil was slightly increased, and its water content and kinematics viscosity had no regular changes. In addition, the kinematics viscosity was decreased with the increase of water content. The temperature of pyrolysis had a certain influence on the content of common chemical compound of bio-oil, but not apparent. The bio-oil was composed of a very complex mixture of oxygenated unsaturated hydrocarbon ramifications and their carbon numbers were ranged within 2~10. Moreover, it showed that the increase of pyrolysis temperature was in favour of the production of furfural and phenol compound, but not in favour of the production of acetic acid. The research provided a scientific reference for the production and application of bio-oil.


