
    Experimental study on compound pesticide composed by the anaerobic fermentation slurry and additives

    • 摘要: 该文根据畜禽粪便厌氧发酵后产生的沼液含有丰富的营养和抗病虫害功效以及害虫的生理生化特性,选用木醋液、杀虫抗生素、印楝素、鱼藤酮、烟碱、苦参碱、草木灰及蓖麻叶浸出液等能够增强毒杀害虫能力的多种原料与沼液混配制成不同类型的沼液复合型杀虫剂,用5种不同的沼液复合型杀虫剂对蚜虫的杀灭效果进行试验研究,结果表明各种沼液复合型杀虫剂对沼液杀灭蚜虫均有显著效果,提出5种沼液复合型杀虫剂的沼液与复合型添加剂体积比配方分别为BP01为8000~11000倍液、BP02为25000~30000倍液、BP03为8333~12500倍液、BP04为18000~25000倍液、BP05为10000~15000倍液。该研究为提高沼液杀虫效果,开发以沼液为主要原料的生物杀虫剂提供科学参考。


      Abstract: According to the rich nutrition ingredient and anti-insect pest ingredient included in anaerobic fermentation slurry and the physiology biochemical characteristics of the aphides, the authors choose various pesticidal antibiotic and lixiviated liquid which can strengthen the ability of crops to resist diseases, suppress the pathogen to grow, cause the wall cells of the aphides to be poisoned and body function to be disordered to make different kinds of compound additives. Then experimental research on the result of the compound pesticide for killing aphides was carried out, the mechanism and effect of the compound pesticide were preliminarily discussed, in order to provide scientific reference for researching and developing secure living pesticide which can replace the chemical pesticide, using anaerobic fermentation slurry as main raw materials. Finally it indicates that five kinds of the compound pesticide selected in this text are able to obviously enhance the effect of killing aphides. It shows that the respective volume ratio between the anaerobic fermentation slurry and the additives BP01 is 8000~11000, BP02 is 25000~30000, BP03 is 8333~12500, BP04 is 18000 ~25000, BP05 is 10000~15000.


