
    Rainwater harvesting approaches and their effects on increasing soil water content and crop yield in North China

    • 摘要: 该文介绍了两种田间集雨措施(渐进式等高梯田和坡地等高沟垄种植)的集雨增墒效应和增产作用。试验表明:在小雨、中雨、大雨和长期少雨的条件下,两种措施下的土壤水分含量均明显高于对照;但如果一场大雨之后接着又来一场大雨,则两种措施的集雨增墒效果就不太明显了。这两种措施的增产作用也很大:渐进式等高梯田可增产19.4%~25.5%,坡地等高沟垄种植可增产34.1%~51.7%。


      Abstract: Two in-situ rainwater harvesting approaches, gradually constructed contour terrace and contour ridge and furrow planting were introduced. The experiments showed that soil water content with the two approaches were observably higher than that of the control after all types of rain(light, moderate and heavy rain) and under long rainless condition. But if a heavy rain came soon after anterior heavy rain, the effects of the two approaches on harvesting rain and increasing soil water content were less significant. These two approaches also had significant effect on increasing crop yield, the gradually constructed contour terrace can increase crop yield by 19.4%~25.5%, the contour ridge and furrow planting can increase crop yield by 34.1%~51.7%.


