
    Research advances in application of natural plant extracts to postharvest preservation of fruits and vegetables

    • 摘要: 农产品采后保鲜始终是关系到农业可持续发展的重要问题,采用天然植物提取物对果蔬进行保鲜可以减少化学合成杀菌剂对人类健康的不良影响,并有效防止植物病原菌的抗药性。能够应用到果蔬贮藏保鲜中的天然植物提取物主要是天然香辛料和部分中草药, 其提取物对果蔬贮藏保鲜过程中的主要病原菌具有较强的抑制作用。天然防腐保鲜剂的活性成分大多是挥发性精油,主要通过作用于微生物的细胞膜或者能量代谢途径达到抗菌效果。天然植物提取物在果蔬保鲜中的主要应用方式有浸蘸、熏蒸、喷洒或与保鲜纸及涂膜剂等载体相结合,但目前尚缺乏成熟的产业化应用技术。发展植物源果蔬保鲜剂的未来研究应集中于确定植物提取物的活性成分与构效关系,以及产业化应用的系统工程技术。


      Abstract: Postharvest handling of agricultural products is the important issue for the sustainable development of agriculture. The application of natural plant extracts in the storage of fresh fruits and vegetables can control postharvest decay, reduce the adverse effect of chemical fungicides to people, and can prevent the resistance of fungi to fungicide. Recently, the exploitation of natural products to control decay and prolong storage and shelf life of fruits and vegetables has received more attention. Effects of natural plant extracts on the postharvest fungi and disease and application of the natural products in the storage of fruits and vegetables were reviewed in the paper. The main natural plants applied were spice and Chinese traditional medicine, and the active ingredient is essential oils, which act on membrane and energy metabolism path. The main application methods of the natural plant extract includes dipping, fumigating, spraying, and integrated with coating or papers. Research of natural products applied in postharvest technology of fruits and vegetables should be focused on the identification of active ingredient and its effect, and the systemical industrialized technology is also valuable.


