
    Optimized irrigation-yield model for winter wheat based on genetic algorithm

    • 摘要: 为了在有限灌溉水量条件下研究作物最大产量与不同生育阶段水量分配的关系,该文以静态的作物水分生产函数Jensen模型为基础,建立基于产量最大的有限灌水量优化灌溉模型,并应用最优保存策略遗传算法对建立的多约束非线性模型进行求解。结果显示遗传算法能在不同的灌溉情况下,搜索到模型的最优解,并且能对有限的灌水量在作物不同生育期进行优化分配。


      Abstract: In order to know the relationship between maximum yield and water allocation of different growing periods under the condition of limited water volume, an optimized irrigation model for maximum yield, based on static crop's moisture production function Jensen Model, was established. Then this multiple constraint and nonlinear model was solved by optimal saving strategy of genetic algorithm. Results show that genetic algorithm can search the optimal solution under different situations, and can best allocate limited water volume at different growing periods.


