
    Pre-warning system for soil quality based on land use and cover changes in Yellow River Delta

    • 摘要: 该文通过1987和2002年黄河三角洲土地利用和覆被变化与土壤肥力变化的对比分析,探讨土地利用和覆被变化对土壤肥力的影响。研究结果表明:土地利用和覆被变化对土壤肥力变化有直接影响,耕地转为林草地、建设用地、盐荒地和沙地,土壤肥力均有下降趋势;林草地转为滩涂的土壤肥力明显下降,转为盐荒地的略有下降;沙地转为耕地的土壤肥力明显提高,转为林草地有下降趋势,转为盐荒地的略有提高或不变;盐荒地转为耕地的土壤肥力有较大的提高,转为林草地的保持不变或稍有下降,转为沙地的稍有提高,转为建设用地的略微下降;滩涂转为盐荒地的土壤肥力保持不变或略微下降,转为林草地的稍有提高。


      Abstract: Based on the comparison of land use and cover change (LUCC) to soil fertility from 1987 to 2002 in Yellow Delta, this paper established relationship of LUCC and soil fertility. Study results indicated that LUCC had direct influence on the soil fertility change, during 1986~2003, the soil fertility of Yellow River Delta decreased on the cultivated land transfering to forest and meadow, construction land, salt wasteland and sand ground; dropped significantly on the forest and meadow transfering to the mud flat and slightly declined on transfering to salt wasteland; significantly improved on sand land transfering to the cultivated land, had a downward trend to transfer to forest and meadow, and slightly improved or not changed on transfering to salt wasteland; improved significantly on salt wasteland transfering to the cultivated land, not changed or slightly dropped on transfering to the forest and meadow, slightly improved on transfering to sand ground, declined slightly on transfering to construction land; changed few or droped slightly on mud flat transfering to the salt wasteland, slightly improved on transfering to forest and meadow.


