
    Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on growth and physiological characteristics of overground part of rice

    • 摘要: 该文通过盆栽试验和田间试验,研究了水肥耦合对水稻地上部分生长与生理性状的影响,结果表明:节水灌溉处理的水稻茎蘖数和干物质积累量均高于相应的淹水灌溉处理,但株高小于淹水灌溉处理;低氮处理的叶水势低于高氮处理,但地上部植株干物质重相对较小,产量相对较高;低施氮条件下,节水灌溉处理的水稻产量均高于淹水灌溉处理,增产幅度分别为6.01%和11.68%。氮肥施用量较高时,水稻地上部植株干物质重虽然增加,但产量增加幅度较小,说明施用较高的氮肥,并不利于节水灌溉条件下水稻增产。


      Abstract: Based on the pot and field experiments, the effects of water and nitrogen coupling on growth and physiological characteristics of rice terrestrial part were studied. Results show that the number of tills and dry matter are higher and the height of plant is lower in the water-saving irrigation than those in sufficient irrigation. Leaf water potential and shoots dry matter weight are lower and the yield of rice is higher in low-level nitrogen treatment than those in high-level treatment. Yield of the least nitrogen and water treatment and the least nitrogen with medium water treatment are 6.01% and 11.68% higher than that of the least nitrogen with highest water treatment respectively. In high-level nitrogen treatment, dry matter weight increases but yield decreases. It indicates that high-level fertilizer is disadvantageous to the yield increase of plants under water-saving irrigation.


