
    Effect of planting grass on rural roads on soil and water conservation in loess hilly-gully region and benefit-cost analysis

    • 摘要: 土质道路广泛分布于中国的农村、公园和自然保护区,由于设计标准低,常常引发严重的水土流失,是农村道路损坏的主要原因。1997~2001年,以黄土高原丘陵沟壑区陕西省延安市下砭沟小流域农业作业道路为背景,以防止和减轻路面汇流引发的水土流失对道路的破坏为目的,采用小区径流监测和施工统计的方法,在路面进行了为期5年的种草试验。研究结果显示,路面种草后径流量减少76.38%,土壤侵蚀量减少69.47%,建设成本比石子路减少71.65%,维护费用比对照减少60.97%,是一种经济可行的技术途径。对各地土质路面土壤侵蚀治理和道路维护具有广泛参考价值。


      Abstract: Terrene roads are widely distributed in rural areas, nature reserves, and parks throughout China. However, the lack of high level design standards for such roads has led to serious problems in soil and water erosion. Soil erosion is the dominating factor of damaging terrene roads in rural areas. Field tests for anti-erosion and maintenance techniques on terrene roads were conducted between 1997 and 2001 in Xiabiangou, Yan'an City in the Loess Hilly-Gully region of Shaanxi Province, China. The results of five years testing showed that runoff and soil erosion volume on grass road were reduced by 76.38% and 69.47% on the average, respectively compared with terrene road. The cost of grass road construction was 71.65% less than that of stone roads, with maintenance costs averaging 60.97% less than that of non-grass terrene roads. Planting grass on terrene road is an economic method in loess hilly-gully region, which plays a guiding role in anti-erosion and road maintenance of terrene road worldwide.


