
    Bio-oil production through enzymatic catalyzed transesterification of rapeseed oil

    • 摘要: 生物柴油作为可再生能源,对环境友好,引起了世界范围内的广泛关注。该文利用固定化脂肪酶-Novo435,在无有机溶剂存在的情况下,催化菜籽油与甲醇酯交换反应制取生物柴油,对影响酯交换反应过程的因素:甲醇与油脂的摩尔比、反应温度、反应时间、脂肪酶用量、转速、水分等进行深入研究,得到了菜籽油间歇酯交换反应的适宜工艺条件:转速200 r/min、醇油摩尔比1.5∶1、反应温度50℃、酶用量10%(与油脂的质量比)、反应10 h后菜籽油的酯交换率达到47%。水分的存在不利于固定化酶在无有机溶剂系统下催化菜籽油的酯交换反应,使酯交换率降低到30%。反应所需理论甲醇量分两次加入,反应26 h后,油脂的酯交换率达到80%。


      Abstract: Biodiesel production from renewable biological resources won wide attention of the world. The immobilized enzyme Novo435 was used as catalyst to catalyze the transesterification reaction of rapeseed oil with methanol in non-solvent system. The effects of variable in the reaction such as the molar ratio of methanol to oil, the amount of catalyst, the reaction time, the reaction temperature, the rate of rotation and the water content were investigated respectively, The optimum conditions of the transesterification reaction are the rotation rate 200 r/min, the molar ratio of methanol to oil 1.5∶1, the reaction temperature 50℃ and lipase amount 10%(by the weight of the oil). Under the conditions, 47% of the rapeseed oil was converted to its corresponding methyl esters. Water is an unfavorable factor in the transesterification reaction. When the water exists in the reaction system, the conversion of the oil decreased to 30%. The methanol can be added by two steps, 80% of the ester conversion was achieved after reacting for 26 h.


