
    Fuzzy control over temperature and humidity of artificial climate chest

    • 摘要: 针对人工气候箱中温度控制、湿度控制的模型参数不确定及参数变化以及大滞后、强耦合特性,提出一种温湿度模糊控制及模糊解耦方法来进行控制。该方法不需要系统精确的模型,可以克服对象的大滞后和强耦合特性问题。文章给出了系统实现电路及仿真试验结果,试验结果表明该方法控制精度高、响应快,能够满足人工气候箱温湿度控制的要求,实际应用可以达到温度差±0.5℃的控制精度。


      Abstract: In this paper a fuzzy control and fuzzy decoupling method was proposed based on that temperature and humidity control of artificial climate chest with the characteristics of strong coupling and long time delay and their model parameters are uncertain and varying. This method need not object model and it can overcome object characteristics of strong coupling and long time delay. Furthermore system circuit of temperature and humidity control is given. The experimental result shows that this method has high precision and rapid responses. It can meet the demand of temperature and humidity control through artificial climate chest and achieve control precision of ±0.5℃ in practical application.


