
    Experimental study on the factors affecting methane emission of beef cattle

    • 摘要: 为考察不同粗饲料类型、日粮精粗饲料比、能量摄入水平等因素对肉牛甲烷排放量的影响,从而为控制甲烷排放提供理论依据,本研究选用4头18月龄的健康肉用公牛(鲁西黄牛),针对不同粗饲料类型、饲料精粗比和日粮能量摄入水平进行了试验,采用SF6示踪法对甲烷排放量进行了测定。试验结果表明:SF6示踪法可用来快速测定反刍动物的甲烷排放量;影响肉牛甲烷排放量因素的主次顺序依次为:饲料粗料类型>饲料精粗比>能量摄入水平;对肉牛饲喂紫花苜蓿和青贮玉米秸比饲喂稻草和干玉米秸时甲烷排放量要小;日粮中粗饲料越多,则肉牛的甲烷排放量越大;随着能量摄入水平的加大,肉牛的甲烷排放量也呈增加的趋势。


      Abstract: To investigate the effects of roughage type, the ratio of concentrate to roughage and energy intake level on amount of methane emission, four beef cattle were subjected to different roughages, ratios of concentrate to roughage in diet and energy intake level, SF6 tracer method was used to determine methane emission from cattle. Research results show that methane emission from beef cattle could be determined quickly by SF6 tracer method, methane emission effect factors were as follows: roughage type>ratio of concentrate to roughage in diet>energy intake level; methane emission value was smaller when beef cattle were subjected to silage corn and alfalfa than that of dry corn stover and rice straw; the more roughage in diet, the more methane emission; and with the increase of energy intake, methane emission value increased.


