
    Effects of different post mortem chilling technologies on chilled pork color and quality classification

    • 摘要: 研究了宰后猪胴体分别采用常规冷却工艺(宰后45 min起,(3±0.5)℃、0.4 m/s冷风冷却24 h)和二阶段急速冷却工艺(宰后35 min起,-20℃、2 m/s冷风冷却1.5 h;(3±0.5)℃、0.4 m/s 冷风冷却22.5 h)对冷却猪肉肉色、质量分类的影响。通过测定冷却猪肉pH值 和T(温度)及肉色仪器测定参数值(L*、a*、b*)和肉色分值, 确定了它们之间的相关性,并进行猪肉质量分类判断。结果表明, 常规冷却工艺冷却猪肉的T45min与pH45min、L*、肉色分值呈极显著性相关(p<0.01),相关系数分别为-0.37,0.45,-0.39;L*与肉色分值呈最大的负相关,相关系数达-0.80;PSE猪肉占18.6%,RFN(正常)猪肉占80.4%,而DFD猪肉仅占1.0%。二阶段急速冷却工艺在宰后初期比常规冷却工艺不仅有效降低冷却猪肉温度,而且同时使其pH值下降缓慢;其PSE猪肉降至12.0%,RFN(正常)猪肉升至87.0%,DFD猪肉仍为1.0%。提示二阶段急速冷却工艺可改善冷却猪肉肉色、进而提高其质量。


      Abstract: The objectives of this article were to study on effects of the conventional chilling method(45 min post mortem, (3±0.5)℃, 0.4 m/s, air chilling for 24 h) and the two-stage rapid chilling method(35 min post mortem, -20℃, 2 m/s, air chilling for 1.5 h; (3±0.5)℃, 0.4 m/s, air chilling for 22.5 h) on chilled pork color and quality grading. pH value, temperatures, instrumental color features (L*, a*, b*) and sensory color scores of chilled pork were measured to determine the correlations among them and make quality grading. The results showed that for the conventional chilling method, T45min was correlated(p<0.01) with pH45min(-0.37), L*(0.45) and color score(-0.39) and color score was most significantly correlated(p<0.01) with L*(-0.80); the percentage of PSE pork was 18.6% and those of RFN pork and DFD pork were 80.4% and 1.0%, respectively. For the two-stage rapid chilling method, temperatures of chilled pork at the early post mortem time were significantly reduced(p<0.05) and pH values dropped slowly; the percentage of PSE pork was reduced to 12.0% and that of RFN pork was increased to 87.0%, that of DFD pork was still 1.0%. The results indicated the two-stage rapid chilling method could improve chilled pork color, thus improve pork quality.


