
    Research advances in non-destructive prediction technologies using VIS/NIR spectroscopy for kiwifruit property

    • 摘要: 光谱无损检测技术正越来越广泛地应用在水果内部品质检测中。该文从猕猴桃光谱特性差异及光谱无损检测技术影响因素对比分析等方面出发,对目前光谱分析技术在猕猴桃品质检测中应用的研究现状进行综述。分析了猕猴桃与其它水果光谱吸收特性和散射特性的差异以及不同温度、硬度、成熟度、部位及生长期管理措施对猕猴桃光谱特性的差异。对猕猴桃样品采集、光谱检测及数据处理等方面的不同方法进行了对比分析。指出采用500~2500 nm的可见光及近红外光谱对不同产地、不同生长环境和管理条件、不同储藏期、不同成熟度猕猴桃的果肉颜色、硬度、干物质含量、可溶性固形物含量、含糖量以及水果密度等内部品质进行检测是可行的。数据处理和定标模型建立方面的研究正在从传统多元回归和数值优化方法到包括人工神经网络技术、遗传算法、小波分析和自组织理论等先进数据分析技术的非线性模式识别方向发展。今后研究重点应进一步提高定标模型预测可靠性、通用性和实用性,建议今后对不同猕猴桃品种及不同仪器之间定标模型的通用性、猕猴桃在运动条件下的光谱检测技术等方面进行研究。


      Abstract: Non-destructive prediction using VIS/NIR spectroscopy has great potential for fruit property detection. The status quo of VIS/NIR spectroscopy prediction technology for kiwifruit internal property detection was reviewed. The discussion was mainly concentrated on the VIS/NIR absorption and transport scattering properties of kiwifruit and comparative analysis of different methods of fruit sample collection, spectral data collection and calibration model development. It is concluded that the internal properties of kiwifruit collected from various orchards, by different treatments during growth, at different storage stages and at different extents of maturity, such as flesh color, firmness, dry matter content(DM), soluble solids content (SSC), sugar content and density, etc. of kiwifruits can be well predicted using 500~2500 nm VIS/NIR spectroscopy. The spectral data analysis and calibration model development technology experienced the trend from traditional numerical optimization methods to neural network(NN), wavelet transformation, genetic arithmetic and self-adaptive non-linear model pattern reorganization methods. The future research work should aim to develop the reliable, flexible and practicable calibration models. To achieve this goal, the further research should be focused on improving versatility of calibration model applied on various breeds of kiwifruits and different spectroscopic instruments, and using NIR spectroscopy to test moving kiwifruit on automatic processing line.


