
    Technology for processing textured starch chips made from potato flour

    • 摘要: 为提高马铃薯的利用率,丰富虾片品种,该文对马铃薯全粉虾片的加工技术进行了研究,结果表明,加工马铃薯全粉虾片的最佳工艺参数是:马铃薯淀粉与马铃薯全粉两者质量比为65∶35,粉团含水率为40%,老化时间16 h,50℃下干燥4.5 h,坯料含水率9%左右;油炸温度190~200℃。按此最佳工艺参数,加工过程中成型、蒸煮容易,所得产品马铃薯风味浓郁、口感细腻、膨胀度为362%。


      Abstract: In order to improve the utilization rate of potato and enrich the types of textured starch chips, technology for processing textured starch chips made from potato flour was studied. Results indicate that the optimum technology parameters are that the ratio of potato starch to potato flour is 65∶35(w/w), the water content of dough is 40%, the ageing time is 16 h, the drying time is 4.5 h, the drying temperature is 50℃, the semi-product's moisture content is 9%, the frying temperature is 190~200℃. Using the optimum parameter set, the forming and steaming process become be easily controlled, the flavor and taste of the product is better, and the product's expansion rate is 362%.


