
    Land resource competition and land-use change in Shunyi district, Beijing

    • 摘要: 社会对有限土地资源的多样需求导致土地利用竞争的发生,其实质是一种利益竞争,结果是土地利用类型的转换。该文在界定利益相关者和土地利用竞争概念的基础上,结合土地利用变化的热点区域——北京市顺义区,诊断确定了该区土地利用的利益相关者及其土地资源利用目标,系统分析了多种土地资源利用方式对土地资源的竞争及其导所致的土地利用变化。由于对土地利用经济效益的追求,顺义区耕地不断转换为建设用地和园地,其中水田的转移速率大于旱地;农业系统内部经济效益的差异使得粮食作物的种植面积逐渐减少,而经济作物的种植面积扩大。另外,随着人们对居住环境的要求逐步提高,顺义区生态用地的扩大也侵占了耕地。


      Abstract: Varied demands of society to the limited land resources are leading to land use competition, which is benefit competition in essence, so landuse trpies are changed. Followed by the definition of stakeholders and land usecompetition, the paper identified main stakeholders of land use and analyzed their competitions for the limited land resource in Shunyi District, Beijing. The study revealed that the great gap of benefit among different land uses was the key driving factor of land use conversion in Shunyi District, such as the conversion of arable land to built-up land that caused a great loss of farmland in thelast decade. It was found that paddy field area decreased rapidly in the region,much faster than that ofdry farmland, mainly due toincreasing shortage of water and decreasing profit. With a continuous decrease in profit, grain crops werelargely replaced by vegetables and orchard, resulting in a great decrease ofthesowing area of grain crops while a great expansion of cash crops in the last decade.


