In novel fluidization solid food ultrahigh temperature(UHT) sterilization processing, the center temperature can be acquired with static particle method. Although the motion and surface heat transfer of particle being tested are restricted, the particle is the coldest one among all the particles withthesame thermophysical properties. Hence the demand for real-time acquisition anddisplaying of temperature and sterilization kinetics parameters of particulate food in UHT condition wasfirstly emerged. Based on software programmed by Visual Basic 6.0, the system to acquire and display the transienttemperature/ operation pressure and
F value
/C value calculatedvia numerical integration was developed, which employedsuper fine armored thermocouple in order to test small size particles. Themeasurement accuracy of temperature,pressure and
F value
/C value are ±0.1℃, ±0.005 MPa and ±2.3%, respectively. The system was applied to acquire anddisplay temperature, pressure and
F value
/C value of potato particles inthe fluidization solid food UHT sterilization pilotequipment. The application results prove that the system is suitable for steriliazation validation and monitoring of food praticle in UHT condition.