
    Layer healthy breeding management information system based on Internet

    • 摘要: 该文阐述了基于.NET技术和ERP思想的蛋鸡健康养殖网络化管理信息系统的研发过程。该系统选用Windows 2003 Server平台、SQL Server 2000数据库、Visual Studio .NET 2003开发环境和C#开发语言。系统包括员工服务、人事管理、文档管理、饲料管理、蛋鸡管理、视频监控、鸡病查询、鸡蛋查询、系统维护等9个模块。借鉴“产前、产中和产后”的全程管理思想,利用“从车间到餐桌”的鸡蛋编码可追溯技术,采用了鸡舍环境预警模型,使得消费者可以从网上查询到具有Egg ID鸡蛋的相关信息(鸡蛋生产厂商、生产地点、生产时间、蛋鸡信息和生产环境等)。该系统在存栏120万羽蛋鸡的北京某蛋鸡场得以应用。


      Abstract: The layer healthy breeding management information system based on Internet was studied in this paper. The system was developed on Windows Server2003, SQL server 2000 database, .NET framework and C# language. The system consisted of nine modules and they were the staff service, the personnel management,the document management, the feed management, the layer management, the video monitor, the layer disease search, the egg code inquiry and the system maintenance. Taking into account before, during and after egg production, using foodsafety for reference, adopting the laying house environmental pre-warning technology, consumers who bought the green eggs spouted with ID code, couldsee more relative information online, for example, egg producers, the productionlocations, the production time, the hen photographs, the production environment, etc.. This system was applied successfully on a large layers farm with 1200000 layers, Beijing Deqingyuan Healthy Breeding Ecological Garden.


