
    Calculating the total flow deviation rate of drip-irrigation system based on three deviation rates

    • 摘要: 中国微灌行业规范规定滴灌系统设计中的流量偏差率,只考虑水力偏差一个因素,导致设计偏离实际。随着生产发展与技术进步,为提高设计精度,有必要研究考虑再计入滴头制造偏差及滴头高程偏差的影响。鉴于已有文献[4]在推导过程中有诸多问题,结论不可信,再次研究了考虑三偏差因素的流量总偏差率。该文在已有高差流量偏差率的基础上,定义了滴头的制造流量偏差率、导出了3个流量偏差率最不利组合——流量总偏差率计算式,并提出了流量总偏差率允许值的建议。


      Abstract: According to China Irrigation Industry Technological Specifications, in the design of drip-irrigation system the total flow deviation rate was calculated considering only one factor of hydraulic deviation rate, resulting in failing to meet the actual conditions. With the production development and technology progress, in order to improve the design accuracy, it is necessary to take into consideration the effects of manufacture flow deviation rate and elevation flow deviation rate on the total flow deviation rate. Since there existed some questions and incredible results in the previous literature, the total flow deviation rate of drip-irrigation system was studied considering the three deviation rate factors. On the basis of the elevation flow deviation rate, the manufacture flow deviation rate of driper was defined, the formula for calculating total flow deviation rate was derived under the condition of the most unfavorable combination of the three factors, i.e. hydraulic flow deviation rate, manufacture flow deviation rate and elevation flow deviation rate. Finally, the permitted values of the total flow deviation rate were recommended.


