
    Quantitive determination of the strength of rapeseed pod dehiscence

    • 摘要: 油菜的角果容易开裂,造成产量损失,同时也不利于油菜的机械化收获。定量测定油菜角果的开裂力对油菜裂角性的研究和选育耐裂角油菜十分必要。采用了拉裂法定量测定油菜角果的开裂力。为了保持不同测定值的可比性,收获的油菜角果在25℃,50%湿度的环境下平衡2周,使测定材料含水量保持相对一致;测定时,在离角果基部2.5 cm处,用金属线缠绕固定角果,使不同的测定,都拉裂2.5 cm长的角果。使用物性仪,拉裂角果,角果开裂时,物性仪探头受到的最大力即为角果开裂的力。用拉裂法,测定了47个甘蓝型油菜品种,结果表明甘蓝型油菜角果的开裂力在0.77~3.7 N之间,裂角性存在很大的遗传变异,因此,在甘蓝型油菜中选育适宜于机械化收获的耐裂角油菜品种是可行的。


      Abstract: Rapseseed pods are easy to shatter which causes yield loss during harvest, and the fragile pod of rapeseed is not suitable for mechanical harvest. Quantitive determination of the strength of rapseed pod dehiscence is necessary for studying the mechanism of rapeseed pod shattering and breeding the shattering tolerance rapeseed vareities. A "ripping" method was developed to quantitively determine the pod dehiscence strength. To conduct the comparison of defferent tests, six pods per variety were balanced in a chamber at temperature of 25℃ and huminity of 50% for two weeks, then the pods were encylcled with metalic thread at 2.5 cm to the pod base and sticked to a plate. Making the plate immobile, and moving the probe up to rip the pod, the maximal force that probe monitored was the pod dehiscence strength. Results of 47 varieties tests show that the pod dehiscence strength among B. napus varied greatly, so selecting the shattering tolerance rapeseed among B. napus for mechanical harvest was feasible. The "ripping" method for quantitive determination of the pod dehiscence strength has a potential value in rapeseed breeding and biological research.


