
    Design of farm field data collection and transmission system based on Java phone

    • 摘要: 为了解决“数字农业”中对野外农田数据采集传输的机动性,跨平台与经济性,在分析当前农田数据野外采集现状的基础上,提出基于Java手机平台野外农田数据采集与传输系统的设计方案。在B/S网络构架下,详细分析客户端与服务端系统设计:客户端设计主要包括农田数据采集、数据传输、信息查询、定位导航;服务端设计主要包括数据接收与传输,数据存取,数据检索以及地图服务等。通过试验,结果表明基于Java手机的野外农田数据采集与传输系统设计切实可行,在野外数据采集方面具有良好的移植性,数据传输较快,费用较低,具有较大的研究与实用价值。


      Abstract: As a component of Digital Agriculture, farm field data collection and transmission are playing important roles. At first, this paper describes the status quo of farm field data collection and transmission. Secondly, to enhance the speed and flexibility and reduce the expense, a new farm field data collection and transmission system is introduced based on the Java phone, which adopts B/S web frame. In the frame, the system includes three parts: Mobile Client, Application Server and Database. Thirdly, the design of this system is analyzed in details. There are such functions on the mobile client as field data collection, data transmission, information query, location and navigation. Application server includes the data receiving, data storage, information query, and map service. Finally, a test prototype system was realized and discussed. The test results show that the field data collection and transmission system based on Java phone has good transplantation, improves the speed of data collection and transmission and saves expense.


