
    Light transmissivity of polycarbonate multi-wall sheet used as greenhouse glazing material

    • 摘要: 聚碳酸酯中空板质量轻、保温好、抗冲击、寿命长,在温室中得到了广泛的应用。但由于其透光性能比玻璃的差,有时造成种植者生产受损,甚至与材料生产企业发生纠纷。为了分析和了解这种材料的辐射透过性能,该文对聚碳酸酯(PC)中空板辐射透过率进行了测定和计算,并以玻璃为参照,分析了聚碳酸酯中空板对紫外线、可见光和红外线的透过率,结果表明聚碳酸酯中空板基本不透过紫外线,在可见光范围内的透光率较玻璃约低10%,在2~5 μm红外线波段的辐射透过率仅为玻璃的40%左右,在5~25 μm波段有两个小峰值透过率波段,但透过率都低于5%,虽较玻璃差,但从总量值上看仍然具有非常优异的保温性能。


      Abstract: Polycarbonate multi-wall sheet(PC sheet) is widely used as greenhouse glazing material because its light weight, high insulation, strong resistance of impact and long service life. As its light transmissivity performance is not good enough, a lot of planters suffered damage in plant production, and some disputes related to the material often happened in China. In order to understand and analyze the light transmittance of this material, so as for greenhouse designers or greenhouse builders to choose and use it correctly, PC sheet light transmissivity was tested and calculated. As comparison to glass, which is mostly used in greenhouse because of good light transmittance, UV, visible and infrared light transmissivities of both glass and PC sheet were measured. The results show that PC sheet cannot transmit UV rays, and the visible light transmissivity in PC sheet is about 10% lower than that in glass, the infrared light transmissivity in PC sheet is roughly 40% of that in glass in 2~5 μm wave range, but there are two peak values of light transmissivity lower than 5% in PC sheet in 5~25 μm wave range, in which range light cannot transmit in glass. PC sheet is not as good as glass for greenhouse glazing material in light transmittance, but it is excellent in insulation.


