
    Greenhouse climatic zoning and its commentary in China

    • 摘要: 为区分不同地区气候条件对温室生产影响的差异性,明确在不同地区对温室的基本要求,针对中国连栋温室生产进行了气候区划。区划方法采用综合因子法和主导指标法相结合的原则。首先根据中国气候特点,划分出北方区和南方区,然后在南、北方区内再划分出一级区和二级区。一级区划采用综合因子原则,利用系统聚类和判别分析方法将北方区划分为4个一级区,南方区划分为5个一级区;二级区划采用主导指标原则,利用主导指标的等值线走势将北方区和南方区各划分为9个二级区。通过分区评述各一级区的气候特点,指出在该区内发展温室生产的气候资源优势和不利气象条件,提出各区的温室发展方向,为从总体上做到合理利用气候资源,防止气候对温室生产的不利影响提出建议;给出各二级区内连栋温室的采暖期及采暖能耗量,指出连栋温室在本区的适应性,为连栋温室合理布局提供依据。


      Abstract: In order to differentiate the influences of climatic conditions on greenhouse production, understand the basic requirements of greenhouse production in different areas, the greenhouse climatic zoning in China was made. First of all the Northern and Southern Regions were divided acoording to the climete characteristics of China, then the regions and sub-regions were divided under both of Northern and Southern regions. By adopting the combined methods of integrated and dominant factors, the whole area in China was divided into nine regions(five in the Southern Region, four in the Northern Region) by the methods of cluster analysis and discriminant analysis, 18 sub-regions(nine in the South China and North China respectively) by trend of index isoclines. In different regions, climatic characteristics and current situations of greenhouse were analyzed, climatic advantages, disadvantages and development goal of greenhouse development were also pointed out so as to make full use of climatic resources and avoid greenhouse damage from disadvantageous climate. Heating period, heating consumption of multi-span greenhouse and its adaptation in every sub-region were also given. All these can provide references for the greenhouse development in China.


