
    Optimization of acid extraction of polysaccharides from rapeseed meal

    • 摘要: 采用五因子二次正交旋转设计,研究酸浓度、料液比、提取时间、提取温度、提取次数等5个因素对酸提取菜籽饼粕中多糖的得率的影响,用SAS8.0中响应面分析程序RSREG建立并分析了5个因素对得率的函数模型。结果表明,所得回归方程达显著水平,拟合情况良好;5个因素对得率的影响大小依次为提取温度>提取次数>提取时间>酸浓度>料液比,最佳提取温度为100℃,提取次数4~5次,提取时间(每次)1.4~1.8 h,酸浓度0.10~0.14 mol/L,料液比1∶18~1∶22,菜籽饼粕多糖得率在3.1%以上。


      Abstract: The quadratic orthogonal rotation design with five factors was used to study the effect of acid concentration, the ratio of liquid to solid, time, temperature and extracting times on the yield of polysaccharides by acid extraction from rapeseed meal. Functional models of yield to five factors were established by RSREG software in SAS8.0. Results show that the regression equation is significant, and the mathematical model for the simulation is presented; the effect order of five factors on yield is as follows: temperature>extracting times>time>the ratio of liquid to solid>acid concentration. The optimum technical conditions are as follows: rapeseed meal is marinated with 18~22 times of 0.10~0.14 mol/L HCl at 100℃ for 1.4~1.8 h, extracting times are 4~5. The yield of soluble polysaccharides by acid extraction from rapeseed meal is over 3.1% under these conditions.


