
    Effects of different irrigation modes on the yield and water productivity of rice

    • 摘要: 以杂交水稻两优培九和Ⅱ优725为试验材料,利用测筒栽培条件,比较了4种不同灌溉方式下的水稻产量、品质及水分生产率。结果表明:与淹水灌溉相比,间歇灌溉、半干旱栽培和干旱栽培下两优培九全生育期的耗水量分别减少了10.65%、25.70%、34.68%,产量分别增产7.38%、减产17.29%和减产41.01%;Ⅱ优725耗水量分别减少了12.49%、22.08%、32.24%,产量分别增产8.54%、减产20.00%和减产46.43%。水分生产率以间歇灌溉最高,半干旱栽培次之,淹水灌溉和干旱栽培较低。间歇灌溉下稻粒的整精米率、精米率、粒长均高于其他处理,但垩白粒率、垩白度低于其他处理;随着稻田耗水量的减少,稻粒的直链淀粉含量降低,而胶稠度和蛋白质含量提高。试验结果表明间歇灌溉为南方稻区较适宜的灌溉方式。


      Abstract: With hybrid rice cultivars "Liangyou Peijiu" and "ⅡYou 725" as experimental materials, the yield, quality and water productivity of rice growing in weighting lysimeters under four irrigation modes were analyzed. Compared with continuous flooding irrigation, the water consumption of "Liangyou Peijiu" in growth stages under intermittent irrigation, semi-dry cultivation and dry cultivation decreases 10.65%, 25.70%, 34.68%, respectively, while yield increases 7.38% and decreases 17.29%, 41.01%, respectively; the water consumption of "ⅡYou 725" decreases 12.49%, 22.08%, 32.24%, respectively, while yield increases 8.54% and decreases 20.00%, 46.43%, respectively. The water productivity is the highest under intermittent irrigation, relatively higher under semi-dry cultivation, but relatively lower under continuous flooding irrigation and dry cultivation. Compared with other irrigation treatments, the milled rice rate, head rice rate and grain length under intermittent irrigation increase, while the chalky rice and chalkiness decrease. With the reduction of water consumption, the amylose content of rice grain decreases, but the gel consistency and protein content increase. Intermittent irrigation will be a favorable irrigation mode for the paddy rice planting in the south China.


