
    High efficient irrigation scheduling of the perennial cultivated forage grasses

    • 摘要: 以内蒙古浑善达克沙地东南缘——正蓝旗人工草地多年生人工牧草——老芒麦、披碱草、冰草和苜蓿的灌溉试验资料,应用FAO-56双作物系数法模拟计算了不同试验处理的多年生人工牧草实际需水量(蒸散量)。研究了需水量与多年生人工牧草干草产量、水分利用效率和边际产量之间的关系,并用水分利用效率最高为原则确定了干旱地区人工草地多年生人工牧草不同水文年的灌溉制度。


      Abstract: This study is based on the two years irrigation experimental data of grasses, Clinelymus Sibiricus(L.), Clinelymus Dahuricus, Agropyron Mongolium Keng and Medicago Sativa L., perennial cultivated forage grass to simulate each grass evapotranspiration(ET) by using dual crop coefficient approach presented in FAO-56. The relationships between grass water requirement and grass hay yield, between grass water requirement and water use efficiency and between grass water requirement and marginal product were analyzed The high efficient irrigation schedule with different probabilities of effective rainfall was determined under the objective of maximizing water use efficiency.


