
    Effects of pulsed light on the sterilization and sensory quality of baked eels

    • 摘要: 为了在烤鳗加工中应用脉冲强光杀菌技术,试验分析了脉冲强光杀灭烤鳗表面染菌的效果,以及杀菌对烤鳗感官品质影响的情况。结果表明:脉冲强光可以有效的杀灭烤鳗表面染菌,闪照15 s,烤鳗表面大肠杆菌的杀菌率为99.99%;经过25 s的处理,烤鳗的感官品质(颜色、气味、质地、味道)没有显著变化;过氧化值、 酸价变化率都不超过0.35%。脉冲强光对烤鳗贮藏品质影响也较小,经过30 s的闪照,贮藏期间烤鳗感官品质没有显著影响,过氧化值、 酸价变化率不超过0.80%,变化幅度均低于0.50%。杀菌的工艺因素中,闪照时间对烤鳗杀菌效果和过氧化值、酸价变化率的影响最显著。


      Abstract: In order to use sterilization technology of pulsed light during baked eels processing, the effect of pulsed light on killing Escherichia coli on the surface of baked eel were analyzed, and then its effect on the sensory quality of baked eels after sterilization was estimated. Results show that pulsed light can reduce bacterium quantity on the surface of baked eels effectively, the sterilization ratio of Escherichia coli is 99.99% with 15 seconds flash on the surface of baked eels. Baked eels have not obvious changes on sensory quality(color, odor, texture, taste) after 25 seconds flash of pulsed light treatment, though the change ratios of peroxide value and acid value are no more than 0.35%. Sterilization of pulsed light has little influence on the quality of baked eels during the storage of eels, and no influence on the sensory quality of baked eels after 30 seconds flash of pulsed light, and the change ratios of peroxide value and acid value are all no more than 0.80%, the change range of the change ratios of peroxide value and acid value is all lower than 0.50%. Among the influencing factors of pulsed light sterilization, the effect of flash time is the most important factor for sterilization effect and the change ratios of peroxide value and acid value of baked eels.


