
    Study on the process of salted eggs under pulsed pressure

    • 摘要: 为了缩短咸蛋加工时间,改善咸蛋品质,提出了脉动压力技术加工咸蛋。该技术是将鸡蛋置于盛有盐溶液的压力容器中,通过电磁阀的通断控制压力容器的加压与卸压,实现压力脉动。其腌制机理是利用高压状态渗透压增大,加快盐分渗入到蛋壳与蛋内;低压状态,蛋内压力小于外界压力,加速渗出蛋内气体和水分,达到缩短咸蛋加工时间的目的。一般用比方法加工,2~3d即可腌制出合格的咸蛋,加工效率提高10倍左右。试验结果显示,盐溶液浓度与压力对咸蛋含盐量影响最为显著,高低压保持时间分配对咸蛋含盐量有一定影响。


      Abstract: Pulsed pressure method to process salted eggs can shorten the processing periods and improve the quality of salted eggs. The processing method is as follows,put the eggs in the vessel which keep salt solution and pulse inner pressure of the vessel,which was achieved by charging and loading gas by control of connecting and disconnecting of electric valve.The mechanism for shortening the processing periods of salting eggs is that the salt in solution infiltrates into the eggs quickly during the high inner vessel pressure, while the gas and water in the eggs exude out the eggs quickly when the pressure is lower in the eggs than out the eggs during the low inner vessel pressure.Usually it takes 2-3 days for processing salted eggs with eligible quality if this method is applied.This method can improve quality of salted eggs,and increase efficiency about 10 times, The results showed that, among the individual variables, salt solution concentration and inner vessel pressure had the most obvious effect on the NaCl content of the salted eggs, followed by the time distribution of high pressure and low pressure.


