
    Design of storage facilities for animal waste

    • 摘要: 粪便贮存是废弃物农田利用和无害化处理的关键环节之一,该文对畜禽养殖粪便污水贮存设施设计过程中的选址、基本参数确定、如何防渗等进行了论述,提出优化设计方法,为资源化处理粪便的肥料利用成为可能,该设计运行费用低,使用方便,且能取得良好的经济效益,环境效益。设计可供畜牧环境工程设计和管理人员参考。


      Abstract: Manure storages play an important role in the manure treatment and land application. This paper summarizes the general principles in manure storages design and management, including site selection, volume determination and leakage prevention measures of manure storages. An optimum design idea is proposed. The design can wake the manure as fertilizer resources. The design of the storage facility for animal manure runs economically, is easy to operate and has great benifits of both economy and enviornment. It can provide areference of design for livestock environment facilities design and management.


