
    Establishment and application of the indicator system for planning standard of ecological restoration in the general land use planning

    • 摘要: 生态退耕规划标准是新一轮土地利用总体规划编制过程中确定生态退耕布局和规模的准则和依据。针对目前生态退耕规划仅从改善生态环境的单一目标出发,而忽视生态退耕对区域粮食安全、经济发展影响的情况,该文以河北省为例,根据整体性、综合协调、科学和可操作性的原则,构建了生态退耕规划标准指标体系;并以河北省下辖11个行政市为评价单元,应用层次分析法进行河北省生态退耕区域评价;应用最小人均耕地面积的概念,确定生态退耕规模。根据评价单元各因素和综合得分情况,河北省可划分为重点、次重点和一般生态退耕区。预计到2020年河北省生态退耕总规模约为61.09×104 hm2


      Abstract: The planning standard for ecological restoration is the basis of confirming the distribution and scale of cultivated land conversion. The present ecological restoration planning only improves the ecologic environment situations, but neglects the impacts on the food security and economy development at regional level. Based on the principles of integrated, harmonious, scientific and exercisable, the indicator system for quantifying planning standard of ecological restoration were established, and Hebei province was taken as study case. In terms of the indicator system, the targeted regions for ecological restoration were plotted out by using AHP method, and the restoration scale was confirmed by using the concept of the minimum per capita cultivated land. Results show that Hebei province can be divided into three targeted regions for ecological restoration based on the factors and integration marks, and the predicted total restoration scale is about 61.09×104 hm2 by the end of 2020.


