
    Effects of irrigation amounts on yield of winter wheat and distribution characteristics of soil water-salt in semi-arid region

    • 摘要: 通过冬小麦小区灌溉试验,研究了灌水量对水分利用效率、土壤水盐分布及冬小麦产量的影响。结果表明灌溉水量决定土壤水分含量高低,随着灌水量的增加,边际土壤含水率先增大后减小,水分利用效率递减,土壤表层含盐量先减小后增加。当表层土壤的含盐量在0.07%~0.09%范围内,产量随着表土含盐量的增加先增大后减小。综合节水、抑盐、高产等因素得出当地淡水灌溉的最优灌水量。


      Abstract: Plot experiment of winter wheat irrigation was carried out to analyze the effects of irrigation amounts on water use efficiency, salt-water distribution and yield of winter wheat. Results show that the soil water content depends on irrigation amount. Marginal soil water content increases first then decreases, water use efficiency decreases, and the salt content of surface soil increases first then decreases with the increase of irrigation amount. Yields of winter wheat decrease first then increase as the surface soil salt content increases from 0.07% to 0.09%. Considering water-saving, salt-limiting and high-producing, the optimum irrigation amount for Nanpi experiment station in Hebei Province was obtained.


