
    Improvement and experiment on the device for separate application of fertilizer and seed for no-till wheat drill

    • 摘要: 中国华北平原小麦-玉米一年两熟地区,玉米收获后免耕播种冬小麦时由于秸秆覆盖量大,免耕播种机播种部分易产生壅堵,播深一致性差,影响播种质量,针对这一问题,研发了尖角开沟器与双圆盘组合式种肥垂直分施装置,分别在玉米秸秆直立地和粉碎地进行了田间播种试验,结果表明:该组合装置中双圆盘播种机构实现了单体仿形,播种深度变异系数分别为19.8%、21.3%,种肥间距合格率达80%,提高了播种质量,同时解决了排种机构易产生壅堵的问题,通过性良好。因此本装置为小麦免耕播种机提供了技术支持,对一年两熟地区小麦免耕播种技术的推广具有重要意义。


      Abstract: There is an extremely important problem that too much maize stubble when no-till planting wheat under the bestrow of the whole standing maize stubble and maize stubble shattered in the wheat-maize double cropping situation of North China. To overcome the problem, the new combine device for separate application of fertilizer and seed narrow tone opener and double discs was designed by China Agricultural University. Field performance test of the device was done in the corn stalk standing and shattered field. The result showed that the seeding depth of each row can be controlled separately because the seeding part of the device achieved profile modeling, and improved the planted quality, meanwhile it resolved the problem of anti-blocking between planting unit. Therefore, the combine device provides good technical support for the no-till wheat planter in double cropping areas.


