曹卫星, 潘洁, 朱艳, 刘小军. 基于生长模型与Web应用的小麦管理决策支持系统[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(1): 133-138.
    引用本文: 曹卫星, 潘洁, 朱艳, 刘小军. 基于生长模型与Web应用的小麦管理决策支持系统[J]. 农业工程学报, 2007, 23(1): 133-138.
    Cao Weixing, Pan Jie, Zhu Yan, Liu Xiaojun. Growth model and Web application-based decision support system for wheat management[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(1): 133-138.
    Citation: Cao Weixing, Pan Jie, Zhu Yan, Liu Xiaojun. Growth model and Web application-based decision support system for wheat management[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2007, 23(1): 133-138.


    Growth model and Web application-based decision support system for wheat management

    • 摘要: 基于生长模型的作物管理决策支持系统(DSS),是在作物生长模型的基础上,增加数据库管理系统和策略评估系统,通过有目的的模拟试验与分析评价来辅助用户进行管理决策。将Web技术应用于DSS是当前农业决策支持系统发展的主要方向。该研究在已有单机版基于生长模型的小麦管理决策支持系统的基础上,采用“Web浏览器/Web服务器/应用程序服务器/数据库服务器”四层结构设计,应用面向对象的程序设计、COM+构件化技术与WEB应用程序扩展技术,构建了一个具有较强兼容性、层次性和安全性的网络化小麦生长模拟与管理决策支持系统(GMDSSWMW),具有系统管理、数据管理、动态模拟、方案评估、因苗预测、时空分析与系统帮助7项功能。系统的测试应用结果表明,GMDSSWMW系统具备较强的远程预测功能、决策支持功能与动态调控功能,从而为构建网络化数字麦作系统及其它作物基于Web应用的管理决策支持系统奠定了基础。


      Abstract: Growth model-based decision support system(DSS) for crop management is the tool to help users make decision by simulation experiments and strategy analysis on the basis of crop growth model, DBMS and strategy evaluation system. Application of web technology to DSS is becoming a major direction for development of DSS in agriculture. Based on the stand-alone growth model-based decision support system for wheat management and the four-layer web structure of "Web browser/Web server/Application server/Database server", a growth model and web-application-based decision support system for wheat management(GMDSSWMw) with good compatibility, arrangement and security was developed by using the techniques of object-orientation, COM+ component and web application. The implemented system can be used for evaluating individual and comprehensive management strategies based on the results of wheat growth simulation under the web service environment. The test and application of the system showed that the GMDSSWMw was realized with proper functions of long-distance prediction, decision-making and dynamic regulation, thus providing basis for establishing web-based digital wheat farming system as well as other crops' management systems.


