
    Modeling soil component temperature distribution by extended CUPID model

    • 摘要: 为模拟详细的温度分布信息,进一步理解地表能量平衡过程,提高植被冠层温度反演精度,根据土壤阴影表面和光照表面的热源和蒸发速率的差异,扩展了CUPID模型,实现了光照和阴影土壤组分温度分布模拟。采用实测数据分别对冬小麦和夏玉米冠层下的土壤组分温度进行了模拟和验证。在冬小麦地,模拟光照和阴影土壤温度绝对差值为2.8 K和2.4 K,平均差值为-1.5 K和-0.7 K;在夏玉米地,模拟与实测温度绝对偏差为3.8 K左右,平均偏差为-0.5 K。总体来说,模拟与实测数据吻合较好,说明扩展模型能够较为真实地反映土壤组分温度分布及其变化。扩展模型可在组分温度反演和农业旱情监测等领域得到应用。


      Abstract: In order to help understand land surface energy balance processes and improve the inversion accuracy of canopy component temperature, an extended CUPID model was proposed to simulate detailed canopy temperature distribution. The extended model can simultaneously simulate the shaded and sunlit soil temperature based on the difference of net radiation and evaporation rate between the shade and sunlit soil. The field-measured data on winter wheat and summer corn were used to validate the model. In winter wheat field, the mean absolute errors were a little higher(2.8 K and 2.4 K) than the mean errors(-1.5 K and -0.7 K) between simulated and measured soil temperatures for sunlit part and shaded part of soil respectively. In the corn field, the mean absolute errors were much higher(3.8 K) than the mean errors(-0.5 K) between simulated and measured soil temperatures. As a whole, these results showed that the extended CUPID model could correctly simulate the spatial distribution and diurnal variation of the soil component temperature. The model can be applied to component temperature inversion and agricultural drought monitoring.


