
    Analysis of saccharifying mash of extrusion cooked rice as beer adjunct

    • 摘要: 为了合理地确定挤压蒸煮大米啤酒辅料的糖化工艺参数,通过挤压蒸煮大米不同糖化工艺的效果及传统蒸煮大米啤酒辅料糖化工艺的比较,分析了糖化过程。研究表明,两种大米啤酒辅料的糊化本质是相同的。不同的是,传统蒸煮大米啤酒辅料的双醪糖化工艺中的大米糊化过程中,包括了大米淀粉的糊化和液化过程;挤压蒸煮大米啤酒辅料仅完成了大米的糊化过程,其液化过程是在单醪糖化过程中完成。为此应调整挤压蒸煮大米的糖化工艺,充分发挥麦芽中的β-淀粉酶、α-淀粉酶及添加的耐高温α-淀粉酶的作用,使挤压蒸煮大米啤酒辅料的单醪糖化过程顺利进行,解决其糖化、过滤困难问题。


      Abstract: For reasonably determining the parameters of saccharification technology for extrusion cooked rice as beer adjunct, the mashing and liquefying of mash of traditional cooked rice and extrusion cooked rice as beer adjunct were analyzed. The research results indicate that the mashing essence of above two beer adjuncts is similar. The difference is as follows: the saccharification of mash of traditional cooked rice as beer adjunct includes mashing and liquefying, but the mashing is carried out merely for the extrusion cooked rice as beer adjunct and the liquefying is carried out in the single mash saccharification. The single mash saccharification technology for extrusion cooked rice as beer adjunct must be modified for exerting the activities of α-amalase and β-amalase in the malt and additive resistant-temperature-α-amalase fully so as to conduct the single mash saccharification of extrusion cooked rice as beer adjunct successfully and solve the difficulties of saccharification and filtering.


