
    Extraction and characteristics of antibacterial factor from Enterococcus faecalis in koumiss

    • 摘要: 该文研究了分离自内蒙古锡林郭勒盟地区酸马奶酒样中一株粪肠球菌(H1-1-2)的最佳培养条件和菌株的抑菌特性,从菌株的培养液中粗提了抑菌物质,并对抑菌物质的理化特性进行了初步鉴定。研究结果表明,粪肠球菌H1-1-2最适生长温度37℃,发酵4 h后pH值开始下降,7 h后菌株进入对数生长期,抑菌物质的产生是在发酵8 h以后,12 h达到高峰;发酵液经超滤、凝胶柱分离、薄层层析、紫外吸收图谱的测定,抑菌活性物质是分子量大于50 ku的蛋白类物质;粗提物在pH 1.0~10.0范围内均有抑菌活性,在pH 4.0时可耐受60℃加热30 min,耐受一些表面活性剂,但对蛋白酶、过氧化氢酶敏感。


      Abstract: The best culture conditions and antibacterial ability of one strain of Enterococcus faecalis(H1-1-2), which was isolated from koumiss collected from farms in Inner Mongolia-Xilinguole region, were studied. The antibacterial factor from the culture medium of the bacteria were also extracted and identified. The results indicate that the best temperature is 37℃ for culturing Enterococcus faecalis, the pH value begin to decrease in 4 h of incubation, the bacteria entered the phase of log growth in 7 h, the antibacterial factor is found in medium in 8 h and reaches the highest level in 12 h. After analysis with super-filtration, gel column chromatography, thin layer chromatography, Legend of UV absorb, the factor is a more than 50 ku protein-like substance. The factor can maintain its antibacterial ability in the range of pH 1.0 to pH 10.0, it is durable to heat in pH 4.0, 60℃ for 30 min and some surfactants, but it is damaged easily by protease and catalase.


