
    Research progress in tillage erosion and its impacts on soil fertility and crop production

    • 摘要: 在坡耕地景观内,由于农耕工具和重力作用而引起的耕作位移使土壤发生向下坡运动或向上坡运动(依赖于耕作方向),导致净余土壤量向下坡传输、堆积,重新分配,从而形成耕作侵蚀。试验研究表明耕作侵蚀是坡耕地的主要侵蚀形式之一,耕作侵蚀发生最严重的区域是坡度较大、坡体短的坡耕地。该文就耕作侵蚀的概念、发生机理、典型的耕作侵蚀模型的发展,以及耕作侵蚀对土壤肥力和作物产量影响的研究现状作了简要论述,特别总结了针对中国的地貌和耕作工具特征而进行的耕作侵蚀的研究成果。指出在一定的景观范围内,耕作侵蚀是十分严重的,甚至其严重程度已经超过了水蚀。但是相对于水蚀而言,耕作侵蚀研究还很少,因此加强耕作侵蚀的研究是十分必要的。只有这样才能正确评价农耕地侵蚀状况,准确制定土壤保持措施和采用减少耕作侵蚀力的耕作工具,从而有效地控制土壤侵蚀。


      Abstract: Tillage erosion, the net movement of soil downslope through the action of mechanical implements and gravity, results in net soil redistribution in the sloping farmland. Studies have proved that tillage erosion is one of the most important types of soil erosion and always occurs in the steep and short sloping farmland. This paper reviews the studies on the concept, process mechanism and models of tillage erosion, and tillage erosion impacts on soil fertility and crop production. In particular, the authors sum up the researches on tillage erosion in steep and short slope landscapes and manual or animal-powered tillage implements in China, which are quite different from those in European and northern American regions. Tillage erosion redistributes soil in amounts that often dwarf the effect of water erosion on rolling arable land. Comparatively speaking,the research of tillage erosion is still limited and underdevelopment. Therefore, it is important to correctly assess tillage erosion and properly make integrated soil conservation planning and to design of less-erosive tillage tools to combat soil erosion.


