
    Dynamic variation characteristics and tendency of reference crop evapotranspiration in the longitudinal range gorge region

    • 摘要: 以Penman Montieth方程分析了西南纵向岭谷区大理、元江、保山、昆明、景洪站46~48年的逐日ET0及其余25个站1961~2000年逐月ET0系列。研究结果表明:日最高温度是年内ET0变化主导因素,年际变化主要受日照时数影响,个别站为最高气温或风速,短期ET0变化与雾无直接关系。利用Mann-Kendall法对各站年际、年内分季节ET0趋势检验,56.7%站点的年ET0呈显著增加趋势,分布于澜沧江耿马-思茅-勐海一带以及横断山区维西、福贡等地。分季节逐日ET0变化趋势为,昆明夏秋季显著下降,景洪冬春季显著增加,元江、保山、大理有增有减。降水量增加、气温升高,蒸发和日照时数减少,导致80%的站ET0呈下降趋势,湿润指数普遍增加。


      Abstract: Penman Monteith equation was used to compute daily ET0 for five stations: Dali, Yuanjiang, Baoshan, Kunming, and Jinghong, based on the history meteorological data range from 46 to 48 years, and monthly ET0 series of the other 25 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2000. The most important influence factor of daily ET0 is daily maximum temperature. The key influence factor of yearly ET0 is sunshine, but is wind speed and maximum temperature in some stations. And the fog is not relative with ET0. Then, Mann-Kendall method was used to test seasonal and yearly ET0 series of five stations. Results indicate that yearly ET0 series for 56.7% of weather stations increase significantly, which locates at Gengma, Simao, Menghai of Lancang River basin, and Weixi, Fugong of Hengduan Mountainous Area. Daily ET0 in summer and autumn at Kunming station markedly decrease, while dialy ET0 in winter and spring at Jinghong station increase, but daily ET0 at Yuanjiang, Baoshan, and Dali station changes irregularly. The change trend of main meteorological factors is that precipitation and temperature increase, evaporation and sunshine decrease, moisture index increase too, which make ET0 series of 80% stations decrease observably.


