
    Effects of saline water on cucumber yields and irrigation water use efficiency under drip irrigation

    • 摘要: 试验主要研究了华北半湿润地区微咸水滴灌条件下,滴头正下方0.2 m深度土壤基质势分别控制在-10~-50 kPa时,不同盐分浓度微咸水(2.2~4.9 dS/m)对黄瓜产量、灌水量及灌溉水利用效率(IWUE)的影响。研究发现当灌溉水电导率(EC)大于1.1 dS/m时,黄瓜的产量随着EC的增大而降低。当滴头下0.2 m深度土壤基质势控制在-25~-35 kPa时,黄瓜表现出来的耐盐性最强,EC每升高1 dS/m产量大约降低3%。总的趋势是土壤基质势控制越高(-10 kPa)处理的灌溉量越多,IWUE越低,而土壤基质势控制越低(-50 kPa)处理的灌溉量越少,IWUE越高。通过研究,在年降雨量大约为600 mm的半湿润地区,当没有足够的淡水用于作物灌溉时,可以在采用一系列灌溉与栽培管理措施条件下,利用2.2~4.9 dS/m的微咸水来灌溉黄瓜等对盐分中等敏感的作物。


      Abstract: The experiment was corducted to investigate mainly the effects of saline water(EC=2.2~4.9 dS/m) on cucumber yield, irrigation quantity and irrigation water use efficiency(IWUE) under drip irrigation in North China Plain, when the soil matric potential(SMP) at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitter was controlled from -10 to -50 kPa. The experiment results indicated when irrigation water salinity(ECi) was greater than 1.1 dS/m, cucumber yield decreased with the increasing of ECi. When the SMP at 0.2 m depth immediately under drip emitter was controlled between -25 and -35 kPa, cucumber showed the most resistant to salinity, and cucumber yield decreased about 3% for 1 dS/m increase of ECi. When the treatment with a higher SMP(-10 kPa), the irrigation quantity was more, and the IWUE was lower; whereas the treatment with a lower SMP(-50 kPa), the irrigation quantity was less, and the IWUE was higher. As can be known from this study, in the semi-humid regions with annual precipitation about 600 mm where no enough fresh water is available for irrigation, 2.2~4.9 dS/m saline water can be used by drip irrigation to irrigate crops such as cucumber, the moderate salinity susceptible crop, after several proper agronomic practices and water management strategies are taken.


