
    Introduction to efficient energy-saving continuous vacuum belt dryer

    • 摘要: 真空带式连续干燥是一种新兴的干燥方式,它不仅具有普通真空干燥的所有优点而且更加高效、节能,其作业时间约为真空冷冻干燥的1/5,且品质相当;该方法适用于固体、液体、高粘性流体,能够连续运作;设备一次性投资适中,运作成本较低,值得在大规模工业生产中使用推广。由于此类设备在国内刚开始研制应用,扼要介绍真空带式干燥设备的原理、特性及系统。


      Abstract: Continuous vacuum belt drying, available to solid, liquid, especially for viscosity materials, is an alternative new way for careful product handling. The low boiling point of water induced by vacuum leads to a low temperature drying process; so many advantages can be figured out: good protection of nutritional ingredients and natures, high flavor retention, little change in color. High quality products can be manufactured, benefited from the reduced oxygen within vacuum condition which is profitable to inhibit lipid oxidation, browning. Vacuum belt drying is superior to vacuum drying in many aspects, such as continuous handling, high efficiency, power-saving etc. Meanwhile, installation and operating costs of the equipment is moderate. Compared to freezing drying, the operation time of vacuum belt drying is one-fifth as short as that of freezing drying, with the similar product quality. According to all these advantages above, it is recommended to extend the use of vacuum belt dryer. The principle, characteristics, advantages and main parts of machine were summarized, seeing that this facility is little known in China.


